Poor misguided fool. *sigh*
How many more lives will the WT literally ruin before the majority of members stand up and say - ENOUGH.?
I hope not many.
sorry, old news but is typical watchtower society ofjehovahs witnesses as they face life and death events.
i think, they want to die as martyrs.
jehovahs witness qualifies for coverage, but too late for transplantby brad cooperthe kansas city starmary stinemetz beat the state in a precedent-setting religious freedom case, but shes losing the battle against a chronic liver disease.. stinemetz is terminally ill after she was unable to get a liver transplant even though she won a legal battle that forced the state to honor her faith and pay for an out-of-state liver transplant.. no one can say for sure how much time she has left.. anything can happen at any minute, stinemetzs husband, merlyn, said tuesday.
Poor misguided fool. *sigh*
How many more lives will the WT literally ruin before the majority of members stand up and say - ENOUGH.?
I hope not many.
it's becoming apparent that there are a zillion different names for a zillion different beliefs/non-beliefs out there.
without pigeon-holing myself under a particular definition, there are a few of which i can pretty closely identify with for the time being.
maybe agnostic, and then also appreciating the freethought pansies.
One thing is certain - we don't know for sure.
The only thing we can conclude with an overwhelming degree of certainty is that the God of the bible is not a reasonable option.
Thankfully we do not need the WT belief system in order to live happy and fulfilling lives.
like this list .
i just read this article in the chicago sun times.
when i started reading the parents were religious and then saw home-schooling, i had a gut feeling they were jw's.
i read on and found out i was right.
Idiotic parents.
Lazy bastards.
It's so easy to lash out with physical punishment. It takes great effort to reason and discipline with some intelligence.
Don't beat your kids to death please.
Life you are a JW - remember the faithful and discreet slave long ago flip flopped on the spare the rod scripture - the official stance is that it is a SYMBOLIC ROD, not a real one.
we hear that expression all the time from jehovah's witnesses, "wait on jehovah ", the concept is that as he is all-wise he knows better than us when things should be sorted out.. so it is o.k to let the jehovah's witnesses bumble on with false prophecies, false doctrines, for over 130 years, and to let paedophiles have the freedom to hide within and freely carry out their evil deeds and mental torture on innocent children whose lives are then ruined, all because jehovah's witnesses should not:.
"presumptiously run ahead ", ahead of what ?
the 'bus driven by jehovah that never arrives ?.
You could simply say -
"that's just a silly excuse to be lazy"
The Oracle
do members of a congregation usually snitch on each other for "sinful behaviour" a fellow member is caught doing ?.
like smoking for example.
how common is this snitching in the name of jehovah and is it encouraged by elders or in propaganda works ?.
Yes it's true.
Elders will often have serious discussions with young ones in the congregation and with skillful use of Leviticus 5:1 - they will drive home the point that even if they hear a rumor of wrong doing - they must report it to the elders.
The Oracle
garrit will be delivering the last talk today in huntsville, al for those interested in attending.
Hi sf,
We appreciate your passion for wanting to warn families about the dangers of being associated with a cult with warped moral values.
Two thumbs up for you
If everyone does a little to help awaken a mind, we can collectively help free a lot of people from watchtower tyranny.
Peace to all,
The Oracle
ive had a few discussions both here and in real life and often find people excuse the ot with all its vile, violence and only concentrate on jesus because he was good.
i try and assk them to show me an example and they of course they quickly tell us about the miracles, and thats fine.
however when you ask them about slavery, violence, women and so on they make excuses.
I agree with entirely possible.
Plus I think they genuinely want it to be true. The alternative is less appealing to them so they won't allow their own minds to seriously consider that they might be wrong.
The Oracle
i have not posted in quite a while.
i have been out 5 years now (it has been great) and i was wondering if they have a new twist on this.
th last i heard they where waiting to see who the new king of the noth was.